Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Module 1 Week 2 - Game Res

For game res model 

7K-12K tris

1 material - 4K

wireframe - quads (Arnold debug render) or contour rendering (under render settings, then assign a new material - aiToon) (render out a mask for clean edges)

Look at how other artists display their work 

Lay the rendered image right over the reference (flip through images to compare)

Render with soft shadows and half-spec material

Render in ZBrush with perspective ON

Add a title bar at the bottom (16:9)


Work on Presentation

Pinching on bottom of the blade

Redo the pattern (alpha in ZBrush)

Get renders in ZBrush - before doing booleans - add subdiv levels

Show your first bake 

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Portfolio Project 3 - Final